Thursday, June 28, 2012

Health Care Law: All Hail The Failure Of Conventional Wisdom

It will go down in history for sure. Hopefully it will be noted as the final straw, of governmental power grabbing politicians, that wakes up the populace. We need to be aware that the power and control granted to politicians are a cost, regardless of the sugar they offer as a bribe. If nothing is done to counteract this new ability, allowing the use of taxation as a means of forcing compliance, we will rue this day. The court I think was incorrect in redefining the language of this law in order to squeeze it into the realm of constitutionality, but it did. It is now incumbent on the power of the voter and the houses of Congress to rein in the newly granted power of taxation as a tool to force the rest of us into compliance with whatever keeps them in power. If you really think this is so great, use your imagination to look down the road towards the future. Is what you see what you would like to be living today……remember, what is given to you today, tomorrow someone will have to pay
About Health Care Reform
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Health Care Law: All Hail The Failure Of Conventional Wisdom

Astute. governance through punitive taxation. We fought against this kind of thing during the birth of our system. We need to fight against this intrusionistic by vote. We need to put people in office that will outlaw the use of taxation and fines as a means of control.
About Health Care Reform
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Health Care Law: All Hail The Failure Of Conventional Wisdom

: Summer, What exactly do you think this bill will supply you, or others, that could not have been accomplished in many smaller bites? What makes you think that a single payer system will work better than an open system of true competition across state lines, in conjunction with those components that most of us, GOP and Tea Party, are in agreement. There are those items that will show up if given a chance for honest discourse. That is not what existed during the push for an increase in governmental power masquerading as a gift too our people.
About Health Care Reform
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Iraq and Iran: A Partnership Made in America

The mess we left in Iraq was truly equal to the desertion of the Afghanis after the defeat of the Russians. Once again our right foot is tripped up by our left. We continue to misunderstand that part of the world thinking they should have common sense, they may, but different than ours. They respect the most powerful and will chew up and spit out the weak. We leave a vacuum and a void because we allow the left to pull us away from any real victory and cure. Iran, the taliban and aq are all ready and willing to slurp up our leavings. Disgusting. Ms Huffer is correct in her assesment that we have created a mess in Iraq. We are in the process of following it up with Afghanistan. The mess has not been created by our involvement but by sucumbing to political preasure applied by those who do not in fact care about humanity. Congrats lefties.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost