Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Today it has really struck me as to just how many in our country view abortion as a freedom.  It is viewed as a right of womanhood to disallow the birth of a child.  Yet the majority of Americans abhor the deaths of humans in any other form.   I wondered how my grandchildren and their children would   internalize this subject.  I decided to incorporate my thoughts on the subject into a book that I am writing, a sort of letter to my children called “Don’t Lose My Marbles”.
This subject encompasses all varieties of underlying beliefs and feelings, as well as creating new moral and ethical dilemmas for our society and as individuals.  Abortion has given rise to both political and religious groups on both sides of the issue.  Here are my thoughts and my beliefs on the subject and they are directed, as I mentioned, to my family.  If any of the rest of my extended family, “mankind” wishes to think along my path you are welcome.  If not, at least keep an open mind.
In 1973 our Supreme Court legalized the practice of abortion based on the plaintiff’s plea to abort her unborn child due to her perceived inability to provide for that child.  The other portion of the decision came as part and parcel of her acquisition of an illegal abortion which in general has been proven to be quite unsafe for the mother of the aborted child.  The argument used by her attorneys was that a woman’s right to privacy includes the right for her to choose to bear a child to birth or not.  McCorvey wrote that she had "wanted to terminate my pregnancy because of the economic hardship which my pregnancy entailed, and because of the social stigma attached to the bearing of illegitimate children in our society." Since she could not afford to travel to another state for a legal abortion, she said: "I fear that my very life would be endangered if I submitted to an abortion which I could afford."This subject has been hashed over and rehashed millions of times, and that is not an exaggeration.  I can’t really imagine that it has not been mulled over by at least half of those who have chosen to terminate their pregnancy.  The basic questions are simple, it is the definitions that come into play and increase the complexity.
Our society has increasingly become “me “orientated over the last century and our ethical moral sensitivities have adjusted accordingly.  This is not unusual and is something that has occurred many times over the course of history.  Our society is no different.  The question will eventually boil down to who and what comprises human decency towards another human, and at what point does the human animal come into being.  Humans as societies have, for the most part, stood against the unjustified taking of another human life.  The terms of justification for that action have fluctuated during the course of history but have generally tended toward the restrictions of such justification, i.e. the elimination of death penalties as a form of penalty for certain acts.  The political and societal position against nation’s acts of war against each other is another example.  It seems that our position regarding abortion has taken a turn against the trending tendency of protecting life.  The subject also encroaches into areas of education, legality, personal choices, physical and mental health as well as what is passed on to our children. 
I have many good friends and acquaintances with all facets of agreement and disagreement of how to deal with this subject. It is one of the most critical underlying subjects facing our society today.  I don’t see that changing soon.  Our current political and law making factions tend to go with the easy choice of agreeing with those that can make noise and against those who are unable to speak because of their lack of formation inside the womb of their mothers.  Abortion is a subject we each need to make a choice on as individuals; a choice that defines us as a person and jointly as a society.  There is no other subject since the inception of time that is more critical to our species with the possible exception of war as a method of total extinction.  There has never been, in the course of humanity, any scourge or war inflicting the number of casualties equal to that caused by abortion.  That some may be justified to insure the safety and life of the mother is a given, but allowed as a matter just for choice is morally corrupt.  I don’t state that as a Christian, I state that as a human being.
Our nation today is more polarized on more subjects than at any time I can remember in my life. I have tried to understand both those I agree with and those I don’t.  I have to admit failure in many instances.  I do not understand how someone can disagree with violence to protect the life of their neighbor if force equals force.  I do not understand how any faction of a society can stand against their nation’s history, and I certainly can’t understand the taking of an innocent life as justified because of inconvenience.
I do understand that abortions have been taking place for most of our history, and that most of those prior to the twentieth century were extremely dangerous to the childbearing mothers.  Something had to change in that regard. There is no way the numbers involved prior to “RvW” were anywhere in proximity to the numbers that have occurred since. 
We as a society have taken a role and position of total permissiveness sexually and that has driven the numbers of abortions to the high numbers we now see.  This permissiveness is exacerbated in our educational system by trying to treat the symptom of pregnancy as a matter of prevention rather than a matter of responsibility that should be part of parenting.  As those children move into young adulthood choosing sex as a recreational activity because they have the ability and the right to do whatever is also than a matter of responsibility that should have been taught them by their parents as a  part of parenting responsibilities.  Our children need to be taught that it is not ok to do everything and that the things they do have consequences.  If you have sex when you can’t afford to give up your life for your children’s food, clothing and lodging, don’t have sex. It’s not ok just because you can take time off school to have an abortion and no one will be the wiser.  At some point in time the reality of your action will come back to slap your psyche.  The taking of your child’s life will be a hurt that bandages can’t cure for you.  If you decide to keep the child your young life will never be the same.  The loss of freedom that having a child while you are a child is monumental and no matter how much you love your new baby, resentment is right around some dirty diaper or some missed dance or party.  Having a child is a responsibility that makes having sex a responsibility.  Having sex just this one time, with or without protection, is like eating one piece of candy it’s not going to happen that way.  We could eliminate a good portion of unnecessary abortions by the reinstatement teaching responsibility to both parents and children.  The fact that our society accepts termination of life as an alternative form of contraception is a terminal sickness that should not be condoned by any of us.  If you have a unwanted child inside your body give it to someone who cares.  Adoptions are a much better solution and it gives your child a chance at greatness and the new parents an opportunity for unimaginable love.

1-29-2011 AR2: Huffington Post

New Headline...Huffington Post gives Head position to Nick Wing...a presentation of space was given to this scam artist for his ability to write misleading headlines.  All across the territory, of Hufferdom, cheers were heard as this lamebrain fed the lemmings another full dose of mushroom food.  The lemmings have gotten such a craving for this type of food that it has become their main diet.  Rapid brain deterioration has been found to be an effect of this diet among the lemmings of Hufferdom.  There are few known cures available for this affliction.

1-20-2011 AR2: Female Foreign Correspondents' Code Of Silence, Finally Broken

This type of activity is more likely to occur in other parts of the world during mob situations­, due to perceived anonymity of the perpetrato­rs. The fundamenta­l Islamist or Muslim attitude would make this even more predictabl­e because of their basic societal mores regarding women. I have to believe that MS. Logan was fully aware of the potential danger to herself and her crew. I can imagine the possibilit­y that she took her actions out of a strong belief that history is important to document. Her actions may not have been wise, but they were heroic in nature

ar2: Egypt ? 2-8-2011

AR2: Huffington Post regarding Egypt

The country of Egypt clearly has no stand out leader, at this time, capable of giving the people a real opportunit­y to choose their fortune politicall­y. They need time for an orderly transfer of power and a chance to find out with who, by who, and which direction. This is not a military overthrow or coupe and to treat it in a hurry up mode could well give coupe results. ie. another form of dictatorsh­ip.


              Political correctness is a filter that is used to extreme in our society.  It is a societal excuse for an inability to accept the truth of thought, attitude, beliefs, and actions.  It used to be a devise used by con artists to gain their results by saying what the mark wanted to hear.  Greatly used by politicians to make constituents vote for whatever the politician wanted them to hear in order to gain votes.  Our society used to revere honesty and truth and now you have no idea what someone else is really thinking or what they believe in.  We have become so adept at masking ourselves for fear of verbal and physical reprisal that reality is skewed.
Our political system has been infected with this insidious practice, but we as a people have encouraged lying or at least the act of bending the truth in every part of our society.  It’s no wonder that we are angry at our politicians, we can’t believe anything they say.  Lying is condoned every time our children cheat on tests because everyone else does it and they learn that it’s ok from peers, teachers and parents.  We have taken truth into the slums with our “everything  has to be politically correct” ideology.  As long as we adhere to the policy that honesty is less important than what everyone else will think our nation and our society will be weakened.

AR2: Bob Cesca, "Huffington post 5/22/2010

Mr. Cesca,
I apologize for not following your commentary more closely, but I find that it takes me about 43 days to quell my disrespect for your obtuse reasoning.  As usual you enjoy using partial understanding mixed with you ideology to mis-represent the facts.  I'm always curious as to why one would be so intent upon creating such a herd of mushrooms to follow your feeding of drivel.
To feed upon devisiveness is not a constructive approach to making our country better.
Our country is a great country, our people are a generous people.  I find your comments regarding the Tea Party, as a group of racially slanted and motivated, activists to be naive and ignorant.
The Tea Party, and Mr. Paul want a return to the basics of our countries founders, a return to self-determination, and the right of individual protection from intrusion into personal lives and the right of the local area to determine its social rule.  Contrary to your sad belief system, there are a large majority, I would say an overwhelming majority of us bad white folks who love a care about our fellow man regardless of skin color, mental acquity, economic status or educational background.  What most of us object to is the knee jerk reaction of creating a new class of people enslaved by entitlements that can no longer be payed for.

AR2:Chris Weigant - "Beginning the End of America's Longest War"

The response: Mr. Weigant is so forgetful.  After 9-11 our country had a mission and a unified awareness that we were in a war.  Our reason was apparent as well as justified.  It was, from the beginning, a war against an ideology that thrives on hate, and a lack of acceptable human interaction.  Bin Laden was no more than a symptom of diseased thinking much the same as the head of a boil indicating a poisoned physical condition.
This whole Afghan situation would probably not have occurred had we stayed the course to help the Afghan people after booting out the Russians, and here we are again in such a hurry to leave before the illness is healed.  Afghanistan is critical to the attainment of peace in today’s world, and like it or not, we are our brothers keeper.  To allow the Taliban to fester and re-grow has too many adverse ramifications to even allow that as an option.  Why would we want to restablish the same conditions that led to the growth of hatred in the first place?  What happens when the Taliban move into Pakistan wholeheartedly and gain control a nation with nuclear capability.  The middle East is the key to what Liberals want in terms of a everybody loves everybody else world, or so they would have us believe.  To have it revert back to tribal and Taliban control is ludicrous.

Beginning the End of America's Longest War

: Mr. Weigant is so forgetful. After 9-11 our country had a mission and a unified awareness that we were in a war. Our reason was apparent as well as justified. It was, from the beginning, a war against an ideology that thrives on hate, and a lack of acceptable human interactio­n. Bin Laden was no more than a symptom of diseased thinking much the same as the head of a boil indicating a poisoned physical condition.
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Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Moral Awakening of Mainstream Christianity

There is a large chasm between loving the person and condonning his sin. Christ never told anyone Your sins are forgiven go and continue sinning. God did not set this world up on the idea of same sex matings. I can still love any of my neighbors but I don't have to sccept sinfullnes­s in them or in myself. Even Paul questioned why he did those things that he hated. I have always understood that to mean that no one is perfect which is why we needed Christs act of salvation.
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Newt Gingrich's Past A Plus, A Minus

as far as speak no do, I think we were promised a great uniter but we got a great divider
About Elections 2012
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Newt Gingrich's Past A Plus, A Minus

You would be hard pressed to find a candidate with better mental capabiliti­es, a better understand­ing of the complexiti­es of the office than mr.Gingric­h. One of our nations most knowledgea­ble historians who can understand the present through the mistakes and successes of the past. The libs keep saying that we conservati­ves have no real candidates­. Just keep that thought.
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Omar Bin Laden, Osama Bin Laden Son: Sea Burial Demeaning, Killing 'Criminal': Report

So how are you healing up after your lobotomy
About Most Popular
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Reid To Boehner: If You Want $2 Trillion In Cuts, Start With Oil And Gas Tax Breaks

F&F I like it when you confuse the Huffers with facts. Your mistake is in believing they will actualy understand %
About Harry Reid
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Reid To Boehner: If You Want $2 Trillion In Cuts, Start With Oil And Gas Tax Breaks

Interestin­g that Rory's comment " Your micro-bio" says it all" got trashed when your yada yada remains up
About Harry Reid
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Reid To Boehner: If You Want $2 Trillion In Cuts, Start With Oil And Gas Tax Breaks

yep. Christian hospitals and schools are unamerican­. you are a progressiv­e squirel fodder
About Harry Reid
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Reid To Boehner: If You Want $2 Trillion In Cuts, Start With Oil And Gas Tax Breaks

they cheated on their math tests
About Harry Reid
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Reid To Boehner: If You Want $2 Trillion In Cuts, Start With Oil And Gas Tax Breaks

"Democrats responded by tailoring the proposal so that it hit just the top five companies. Ending their breaks could save the government $21 billion over ten years." Now let's do the math if we keep spending overages in the trillions of $$ ? The normal dem trick of attacking and dividing public sentiment
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Outrage Flares As Michelle Obama Invites Common To White House To Read Poetry [UPDATED]

It is not as much about the O's as it is about the type of thinking that they condone
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Omar Bin Laden, Osama Bin Laden Son: Sea Burial Demeaning, Killing 'Criminal': Report

you have to be a little sick to think a camel would stoop so low.
About Most Popular
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Omar Bin Laden, Osama Bin Laden Son: Sea Burial Demeaning, Killing 'Criminal': Report

teriffic use of our language. Now if we could just get all of our residents to use it.
About Most Popular
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Omar Bin Laden, Osama Bin Laden Son: Sea Burial Demeaning, Killing 'Criminal': Report

if there are hundreds of millions of Muslims who held this pig in high esteem, the world really has a problem
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Omar Bin Laden, Osama Bin Laden Son: Sea Burial Demeaning, Killing 'Criminal': Report

sick stupid remark.
About Most Popular
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Omar Bin Laden, Osama Bin Laden Son: Sea Burial Demeaning, Killing 'Criminal': Report

If what you say has foundation perhaps the Muslim community that disagrees with those who are bastardizi­ng their religion should shout instead of whisper. Your remark equating Christian fanatacism to that of islamic fundamenta­list is ludicrous to say the least. There is no equation that could make them equal in number or in activity. AQ is not the only source of these terrorists and you apparantel­y don't care about the facts.
About Most Popular
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mission Accomplished: Is It Finally Time To Leave Afghanistan?

you prove my point implicitly­. You have no real answer or understand­ing regarding the "primary objective" of our being in this conflict. Do some research instead of mouthing inane and banal remarks.
About Afghanistan
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

you are certifiabl­y delusional
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

actually it is 1quitillio­n,300 quadrillio­n,
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

Eventually the Office of President of the United States brings reality home to even the most idealistic of thinkers. This is a job no one enters, the first time, with a true concept of what it will entail. It is time for everyone to reflect on the importance of unity in our country, and the importance of continuity­. There is not one of us that knows what goes through the mind of anyone in their decission making process, nor do we know what beliefs they have to step over for the good of our country. I am proud of this President for making the right decission over his idealism.
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

I have to give him kudos for making a decission to act in spite of his reluctance to lead.
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

He had nothing to do with putting the banner up. The military members aboard the ship did that and they did it because the mission to remove sadam had been accomplish­ed. The left has repeatedly mis-used this photo op and its meaning.
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

the high priority stuff is connected to your whining points. We need to change our spending. Public union activity is bankruptin­g every venue in which they exist. The primary activity of planned parenthood is abortion and there is no way our federal economy should pay a nickle toward justifying it.
About Barack Obama
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Mission Accomplished: Is It Finally Time To Leave Afghanistan?

no kidding. Do you think any of these anti'bushe­rs will agree.
About Afghanistan
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Mission Accomplished: Is It Finally Time To Leave Afghanistan?

"primary objective" shows your ignorance.
About Afghanistan
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Mission Accomplished: Is It Finally Time To Leave Afghanistan?

I'm sure the tallybats would love that. It would give them more ability to reestablis­h their control of the minds of young muslims. Me thinks you fail to grasp the scope of the problem
About Afghanistan
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Mission Accomplished: Is It Finally Time To Leave Afghanistan?

This article, if it shows anything substantia­l, shows that the writer just doesn't get it. The primary reason we went into Afghanista­n was not ubl it was the fact that it was the main training ground for islamic terrorists­, the harboring of terrorists­. That has apparantel­y been moved across the border in to Pakistans as well. If you think the war on terror is over just wait.
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Monday, May 2, 2011

Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

what planet have you been living on for the last ten years. "blood thirsty" you are disgusting­.
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

American warriors of the highest class.
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

you are both in the land of Oz. What President Bush stated was a fact then and still is today. The primary focus of this battle is not one man, our enemy is not one man. If you mokes think that this event will stop the fanatical islamist from trying to kill our citizens you are lacking brain cells.
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

You need to get some perspectiv­e. O'bama authorized the trigger after everybody else found the game, chose the means, and closed the deal. He was part of a team ready to act and achieve. He chose not to go down in history as another dem who refused to rid the planet of a diseased member. Your stance is the same as someone saying because they gave the ok to an operating team that they deserve credit for saving somebody's life. Ideologica­l idiocy.
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

if you think this will cause the collapse of those nuts you are as naive as your picture would imply./
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

He could start by putting the Oil drilling operations back to work in the gulf. I think that is about 30,000 people, not to mention how it might help lower the cost of looking for jobs across the nation.
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

In fact the mission of removing sadam had been accomplish­ed at that time. It was the aftermath that bit us.
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

No one has ever denied his rush to use the "I" when it makes him look good.
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

F&F good points
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

Statistics are the most unreliable source of informatio­n as they are generally skewed toward getting the results wished for by the one procurring the data. I'm pretty sure that procurring is the appropriat­e term in any sense of the word.
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

Is that because they don't weight who the poll with progressiv­es?
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

I agree totally with your request for blessings. It is great to see God mentioned postively in Huffervill­e. I ask God to bless our country and ask you all to pray that we can once again become a United proud people.
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

did you ever think that perhaps fear of duplicatin­g the Clinton failure to act decisively may have cut down on the "what do I do now" factor. At least he didn't ask to have a meeting with the UN first. For that we owe him gratitude but not adolation
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

Hopefully you are even prouder to be an American
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

Without the mechanics of intel acquisitio­n set up by the "Bluster" your dithermast­er wouldn't even be in the game.
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

unlike Clinton who neglected to pull the trigger. Hat's off to POTUS on this event.
About Barack Obama
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Obama: The Man Who Got the Job Done

Please remove your head from where the sun don't shine. It was George W and his administra­tion that set in place the platform giving the intellegen­ce the means to track this weasel down. It happened as a result of interrogat­ion methods that have been denegrated by those who don't believe we are at war. At war with an ideologica­l bunch of killers.
About Barack Obama
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