Tuesday, May 17, 2011

AR2:Chris Weigant - "Beginning the End of America's Longest War"

The response: Mr. Weigant is so forgetful.  After 9-11 our country had a mission and a unified awareness that we were in a war.  Our reason was apparent as well as justified.  It was, from the beginning, a war against an ideology that thrives on hate, and a lack of acceptable human interaction.  Bin Laden was no more than a symptom of diseased thinking much the same as the head of a boil indicating a poisoned physical condition.
This whole Afghan situation would probably not have occurred had we stayed the course to help the Afghan people after booting out the Russians, and here we are again in such a hurry to leave before the illness is healed.  Afghanistan is critical to the attainment of peace in today’s world, and like it or not, we are our brothers keeper.  To allow the Taliban to fester and re-grow has too many adverse ramifications to even allow that as an option.  Why would we want to restablish the same conditions that led to the growth of hatred in the first place?  What happens when the Taliban move into Pakistan wholeheartedly and gain control a nation with nuclear capability.  The middle East is the key to what Liberals want in terms of a everybody loves everybody else world, or so they would have us believe.  To have it revert back to tribal and Taliban control is ludicrous.

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