Wednesday, August 29, 2012


In response to a progressive huffer quoting the Gettysburg Address.
aR2: I find your post very encouraging to have you quote one of the most revered conservative Presidents in our history. It is mystifying how you can be against realistic and honest assessment of our national condition and the medicine needed to heal it. Four years ago we were mesmerized by rhetoric and the promises to fix our broken economy, to bring our people together and reunite us as one people under our flag, to create a consensus and an attitude change within our government that would fix Washington and our political weaknesses. Clearly that did not happen and we are confronted on that same side with confrontational and divisive escapism. Our country is in dire need of responsible leadership not pandering which we can ill afford. The President that you quote did not shy away from his responsibilities and he most certainly did not lead from behind. He fought gallantly to re-unite our country and to fully implement the intent of our founding fathers that all men are created equal. That means equal opportunity to achieve to their abilities not that of equal stature physically, or in any other way, through the power of government but rather through the power of the people.
About Rachel Maddow
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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