Saturday, September 15, 2012


This week, we once again were privileged to see our news media and the liberal blog sites attack Mitt Romney for speaking the truth as he perceives it to be.  Instead of looking to the veracity of his point of view, that faction decided to protect the image of President Obama’s administration by deflection and covering their eyes and ears. 
The American public needs a non-biased source of opinion and fact.  Our society is failing through attrition. We are losing those who respect our history and are being outnumbered by those who are receiving a jaundiced education regarding who we are as a nation.  We are falling prey to a very patient and pervasive enemy that has planned to defeat us without firing a shot but with the subtle use of propaganda. 
We no longer have a public information system that ferrets out the facts. We have opted to choose and to allow our minds to be fed information tainted and colored by ideology and ignorance. 
While we watch someone like Mitt Romney avoid the tactics of progressive reportage, a lot is hidden from view.  Mitt Romney’s business acumen is not politics as usual.  Mr. Romney has had to rely on cold hard facts in order to make business decisions. It is that fact based practice that is so lacking in the political landscape today.
Our country is at one of the most critical junctures of direction since the Civil War; at least the most critical in my lifetime.  We, the people, are preparing to vote and we need to make our decisions with our eyes, ears and minds open to the facts.  When opposition to the current administration speaks, we should be listening rather than trying to shout down that voice.
The last seventy years in our country will be reviewed in history quite differently than what the populace has been led to believe.  Our children are being taught a skewed view of their country.  They are being dumbed down and I for one am not sure if it is by intent or a lack of caring.  Regardless of the motive, the resulting lack of knowledge about our country will reap an anger against, rather than pride in our country.  Without pride and respect for who we are as a nation, the United States will be just another Roman Empire.
This election season it would behoove us not only to listen to what these candidates say but to understand them and the foundations upon which they stand.  We need to have an honest look at what they believe about our country, our current situations and where they want our country to be in the coming century. We need to listen (devoid of ideology and demagoguery) and view that as if our lives depended upon our decisions.  The truth is that our country depends on those decisions.

Remember the childhood story of the parade and how those attending covered their eyes and one small voice was heard to say, “Look the King is naked.”  We each need to be that one small voice.

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