Thursday, August 8, 2013


I came across this in an e-mail that I hope the NSA was able to get into the Presidents hands.  It brought to mind all of the things that could have been accomplished in his tenure.  Why would such an opportunity of position be so wasted on politics?

It is far too easy to pick and choose from all of the things he has concentrated on that we disagree with.  It is also very easy to bring to point all of the methods of harming our heritage and way of life.  Complaining is the easy part of looking at Mr. O and his administration.  The saddest thing about this is not what he has done or caused to happen but more disheartening is what he could have done but didn't.  He did not concentrate on improving race relationships in our country, improving the problems of his race within their own communities, showing young people the advantage of education,, exemplifying the opportunities provide for people of all color and creed within the boundaries of our great country. He did not use the strength and power of our country to make the world a better and safer place.  He did not provide a better standard of living for any section of our society.  He did not unify our country.  The list could go on ad infinitum.  Just ask yourself what would you have done?

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