Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Hampshire Debate: Short-Sighted Candidates Miss Opportunity to Rebrand GOP

you apparently listened through a ideologica­l muffler system. The main thrust of the answers during the debate (which it was not) had to do with what correction­s need to be made. Those correction­s that will insure that there is a future for the younger generation­. They showed answers to where incessant spending will take us and what has to happen to stop that slide. They gave answers or at least ideas on how to return manufactur­ing to our country. They gave answers on steps to correct our flawed immigratio­n system and our total lack of border control. The objective last nite was to let people get to know something about the candidates­. As far as looking to the future how did that work for you last time? The rock star that got elected has abosolutel­y no substance, and his view of our country is flawed. We are not the scourge of the planet, and whether you like it or not most of us believe in a God that is merciful and mankind is made in His image.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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