Friday, June 17, 2011

New Hampshire Debate: Short-Sighted Candidates Miss Opportunity to Rebrand GOP

Dan I just now got to reading your comments to my post of a few days ago. My response was to the statement the author of the article made. To paraphrase she stated that there were nothing but criticisms of the current administra­tion namely the traveling POTUS. I simply pointed out a few of the suggested cures that were mentioned during the “debate”. Thusly I dismiss your snide remark regarding my attentiven­ess to the debate subjects. I also think you are quite mistaken in your talking points statement as that had nothing to do with what I wrote. You ask about the poor public sector workers that may lose their jobs. My response to that is: Unless our government is placed on a fiscally responsibl­e path there will be no employment for the employees or for welfare or for public programs, or for social security, medicare, medicade or anyone or anything else. I also noticed your use of lower case when referring to my God. I hope I can show more respect for your personal belief systems. In regards to your attempt to make conservati­ves look like satan reincarnat­ed. Jesus would not want children or anyone else to starve, nor do I. Hopefully, as it is in this country charity does not have to be forced upon one another. If you want to get into that kind of psg match you might want to check out which portion of our society is most charitable­.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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