Sunday, July 29, 2012

AR2: CBS Sunday Morning programming

I have been a loyal viewer of the Sunday morning with Charles for over thirty years. I doubt if I have missed more than two or three shows in all of that time. This year I have noticed an effort on the part of this show to push the political agenda of the liberal progressive side of our society through the commentary section of the show. Today was the last straw!!!

To have some ideologue use the force of this once great show as a megaphone is disgraceful to say the least. To promote the false, misleading and divisive blather regarding those with economic success is deceitful.

Why not use your power to address the real causes of inequality. It is not the wealthy that use economic inequality as a means of creating a form of slavery. Our political factions use this as a scapegoat, hiding the fact that the creation of classes through class warfare is a means of vote acquisition. The creation of a societal state of mind and belief, that those of lower income are incapable of overcoming circumstance and that the government is their only source of survival, is the real enslavement method.

The segment of your show today which used an African American to underline the term slavery, at a time when our country needs to reunite and work together, was a reprehensible insult to your audience. I would suggest that instead of denigrating success as a form of enslavement you might give some editorial time to the message of reality.

Reality would show the effect of telling multitudes of people how they have been mistreated and how their miserableness is the result of someone else's actions. Our country was not founded on the principles of acceptance of failure but on the ability of our people to overcome adversity. We were not a country of weakness when we assisted Europe in overcoming Nazi Germany.

Instead of propagating weakness in our society and tearing down our strengths we should be promoting the opportunities available. We should be encouraging the factual and historical endeavors that have made our place in World history something to be admired.

CBS has allowed their microphones to be kidnapped by a national tone that uses the weaponry of political correctness and the guilt for actions of ancestors to discolor the possibilities of today.

Monday, July 16, 2012


This week I found myself at the end of a stick that I have accused the progressive liberal side of our society of using as a weapon.  That stick is the one of honesty supplanting the diligence of seeking the truth.  In my haste to inform my fellow citizens, those of my age group, of the dangers of “Obamacare” I forwarded a e-mail blasting the raising of Medicare premiums.  This e-mail has been fact checked and found lacking in the truth factor.  Retractions have been sent to those to whom I had forwarded this item.  The end does not justify the means, as that is just too slippery a slope to test ones ethical sense on.

It is fact that I want to do everything humanly possible to change the Obama infatuated mind, I want to do it by the use of factual truths rather than by innuendo and the use of half-truths.  We citizens of the American society have been bombarded, educated, propagandized, and led to believe things that may or may not have basis in fact.  Due to restraints and limitations on time and priorities we have allowed our eyes and ears to accept those things that fit our specific set of filters.  We need to quit the ideologue mentality that commits us to no more than a herd of sheep in our societal obligations.  Most of us have the tools, a problem solving nature, an innate ability to look at cause and effect, and a gut feeling that warns of imminent dangers.  I personally believe that we are in a battle which is global in nature, one which involves the mental, physical, and yes the spiritual makeup of mankind. 

The insidious malignancy we know as political correctness has acted as a Trojan horse eroding societies from within, using our sense of compassion to eliminate the revulsion normally associated with being lied to. It is no longer wrong, by convention to lie to someone about how we really think or feel, if those thoughts do not fit into the proper mold.  This has built insensitivity to the act and the effects of lying.  The art of manipulation uses political correctness, half-truths, innuendo, and repetition to achieve a desired goal.  The winning of that power struggle, between our political and ideological factions, no longer benefits our country as a whole.  We no longer possess that ethical core that protected and safeguarded our societal direction.  We are no longer protected in our decision processes by truth. We are instead manipulated and herded about by perception and factual distortions.  We are different than animals and we are different than machines.  Garbage in and garbage out is true for we human beings as much as it is for a computer.  We are also marching to our own demise if we follow blindly, much as the lemming herds heading over a cliff.  Humans, individually and societally, have advantages over herd mentality and the simplistic methods of the computer.  We do have reason, and an inner sense of right and wrong.  We need to start applying those capabilities, we need to take the time and we need to expend the energy to search out truth.  

I apologize for being too lazy, in too big of a hurry to check out those e-mails that fit into my mental framework or my goal set.  I will henceforth confirm.  I will also voice my opinions and beliefs which are arrived at by observation, facts and logic.  I hope you will do the same.  Question, confirm, and be part of the solution.

This election is pitting to radically opposed ideologies and methods of governing the direction of our country.  Regardless of where you come down on the issues you need to re-evaluate your positions.  This is not just about you.  This is about where our next generations of progeny will find themselves, what kind of world they will be living in, will they have opportunity, creativity, freedom and truth in their lives. 

We need to be able to admit when we have been duped.  We need to admit that sometimes what we want has dictated what we believe.  I have watched a fact emerge.  Hope and change has eliminated the hope factor, transparency has turned to the cloak of deceit, unity has turned into divisiveness, world acceptance has turned into derision.  The only truth has been that of fundamental change of the once great United States of America.  “Hope and Change” has in fact been “Smoke and Mirrors”

Sunday, July 1, 2012


HOWARD FINEMAN: the court essentially said that Congress could not require people to buy something in the private economy, but they could fine them if they didn't.

AR2:I think that SCOTUS put the citizenry in front of a firing squad.  This in effect will give congress the right to enforce any public mandate through taxation.  To think that it will stop at this one fiasco is delusional.  It will be up to the people to force congress to quell their newly found power by passing and defining a law prohibiting punitive taxation.  Our Federal Republic originated as a result of unfair taxation, and we certainly do not want to allow our own government this power.  We all need to fully understand the ramifications of this ruling.  It is not about the healthcare mandate it is about the creation of a new power of state to control and rule the people of our nation.  The United States of America has long stood for individual rights and freedoms, the right to keep the heavy thumb of government suppression away from our individual lives and livelihood.  We have been duped and misled into thinking that the government is our friend and our protector, not factual.  We have been propagandized into thinking that those of us who respect the rights and the abilities of the individual to achieve, are heartless.  Let me remind you all..we eat the animals we feed.  Gifts of kindness from any government are not from heart but from striving for control and power.                                   Summer77Fox is already throwing Roberts under the bus!! Republicans are so foolish they will continue to go down this path of hate and Obstruction at their own demise! If they continue not only will they lose but the American People may get that Single Payer System that we should have had to being with, This the most power Country in the world yet our Health System is number 34th in the World!
AR2: Summer, What exactly do you think this bill will supply you, or others, that could not have been accomplished in many smaller bites?  What makes you think that a single payer system will work better than an open system of true competition across state lines, in conjunction with those components that most of us, GOP and Tea Party, are in agreement.  There are those items that will show up if given a chance for honest discourse.  That is not what existed during the push for an increase in governmental power masquerading as a gift too our people. 
minkad: The importance of landmark rulings has played important roles in our lives. Cases like Brown v Board of Education and Roe v Wade are two recent cases that have impacted how our society operates. Most people on the right are blaming Justice Roberts because they are not aware that it was the constitutionality of the mandate that was being considered. There have been many questionable rulings in the US Supreme Court in recent history so it is incumbent on the chief justice to get it right no matter what the political downfall. The Court is an important tool to assure the rights of individuals and the government to operate, and as such, rightly came down on the side of the 'Affordable Care Act'. This day will live in the history books forever. To read more on other historical facts on the US Supreme Court go to:
AR2: It will go down in history for sure.  Hopefully it will be noted as the final straw, of governmental power grabbing politicians, that wakes up the populace.  We need to be aware that the power and control granted to politicians are a cost, regardless of the sugar they offer as a bribe.  If nothing is done to counteract this new ability, allowing the use of taxation as a means of forcing compliance, we will rue this day.  The court I think was incorrect in redefining the language of this law in order to squeeze it into the realm of constitutionality, but it did.  It is now incumbent on the power of the voter and the houses of Congress to rein in the newly granted power of taxation as a tool to force the rest of us into compliance  with whatever keeps them in power.  If you really think this is so great, use your imagination to look down the road towards the future.  Is what you see what you would like to be living today……remember, what is given to you today, tomorrow someone will have to pay

'Republicans and Romney, their presumptive nominee, will make overturning the law their crusade for the campaign, and they will have the polls on their side.'---
They will surely make it their crusade but disagree that they will have polls on their side. Most people who must rely upon private health insurance, do not want to be turned away for pre existing. This reform also offers young folks the opportunity to stay on their parents' plan til their 26, preventative care included in plans that previously left it out (even plans w/very high deductibles) and small businesses a bigger pool thru exchanges. The only ones that would not see the benefit of the reform are those that are prey to right wing propaganda.
AR2:  Lizzy,  get off the talking points and listen to the facts..You are to busy with the yadayada to listen to what Romney is saying.  Reach behind your back grab ahold of your neck and pull firmly, this will put you in a better position to see the facts.  It is real easy to paint Mr. Romney with the liberal spray paint of taking away the good things in this bill.  In fact he has stated that there are many good things that should be used and put into effect in order to reform our healthcare system.  He, like many of us, don't agree with the method used to create this monstrosity, nor do we agree with the hidden costs that will accrue after 2014.  This bill was never about healthcare it is about power over a population and Roberts just handed over a new weapon to the politicians.  We need to elect representatives for our nations good not for our ideology.  Ideology formed from indoctrination does not create good governance; government with the power to impose its will upon its people is what we fought against during the formation of our country.  Do you think it is wise to allow political power seekers the ability to force us all into compliance under the threat of taxation?  I apologize for suggesting that you need to pull your head out of a place of willing ignorance, sorry
I am overjoyed for Americans today! As Joe Biden would say "This is a big f---ing deal!"
We need to vote for people in November who will not rob us of this much needed law. The fact that Romney, upon whose Mass. plan this law was based, now says that the rest of us don't deserve the same security speaks volumes about the character, or lack thereof, of the man. He and his fellow Republicans have vowed to destroy the ACA, and to leave most Americans out in the cold...again.
We have already lost our savings, our investments and our homes because prior administrations have favored the wealthy and turned their backs on the middle class. It should not have taken this long for all Americans to see that "trickle down" doesn't happen. If we don't throw these people out in November, we will lose the ACA, and suffer yet another great personal loss: The ability to obtain affordable health care.
I agree: Learn about the ACA and fight to keep it. Fight with your voices, you keyboards and your ballots. If we are a healthy country we have a real shot at making this the America we want and need it to be.
AR2:Good grief!! Do you read what you write?  Security?  What security do you get when this ACA, that you are so enthralled with, says that you are too old for a bypass operation, or you don't really need to see out of both eyes.  Your comment regarding what you and many of the rest of us have lost is totally ignorant.  This recent fiasco is the result of a give for vote program initiated by the dems to put financially unqualified people into home ownership.  This caused a unreliable demand for housing increasing false value which exploded.  One of the major reasons our health care costs has skyrocketed is because of government involvement and price fixing which stopped free market cost adjustments to occur.  One of the great sidebars of this action is the creation of a whole new level of criminals, they have to cheat the system in order to provide care.  Most of us agree that change and correction to our healthcare system is needed, and most of us agree on what those should be.  The disagreement comes regarding the method, the means, and the payoffs and hidden costs of this ACA that you are so proud of.  This is a big effen deal and we are all the ones being effed.