Monday, July 16, 2012


This week I found myself at the end of a stick that I have accused the progressive liberal side of our society of using as a weapon.  That stick is the one of honesty supplanting the diligence of seeking the truth.  In my haste to inform my fellow citizens, those of my age group, of the dangers of “Obamacare” I forwarded a e-mail blasting the raising of Medicare premiums.  This e-mail has been fact checked and found lacking in the truth factor.  Retractions have been sent to those to whom I had forwarded this item.  The end does not justify the means, as that is just too slippery a slope to test ones ethical sense on.

It is fact that I want to do everything humanly possible to change the Obama infatuated mind, I want to do it by the use of factual truths rather than by innuendo and the use of half-truths.  We citizens of the American society have been bombarded, educated, propagandized, and led to believe things that may or may not have basis in fact.  Due to restraints and limitations on time and priorities we have allowed our eyes and ears to accept those things that fit our specific set of filters.  We need to quit the ideologue mentality that commits us to no more than a herd of sheep in our societal obligations.  Most of us have the tools, a problem solving nature, an innate ability to look at cause and effect, and a gut feeling that warns of imminent dangers.  I personally believe that we are in a battle which is global in nature, one which involves the mental, physical, and yes the spiritual makeup of mankind. 

The insidious malignancy we know as political correctness has acted as a Trojan horse eroding societies from within, using our sense of compassion to eliminate the revulsion normally associated with being lied to. It is no longer wrong, by convention to lie to someone about how we really think or feel, if those thoughts do not fit into the proper mold.  This has built insensitivity to the act and the effects of lying.  The art of manipulation uses political correctness, half-truths, innuendo, and repetition to achieve a desired goal.  The winning of that power struggle, between our political and ideological factions, no longer benefits our country as a whole.  We no longer possess that ethical core that protected and safeguarded our societal direction.  We are no longer protected in our decision processes by truth. We are instead manipulated and herded about by perception and factual distortions.  We are different than animals and we are different than machines.  Garbage in and garbage out is true for we human beings as much as it is for a computer.  We are also marching to our own demise if we follow blindly, much as the lemming herds heading over a cliff.  Humans, individually and societally, have advantages over herd mentality and the simplistic methods of the computer.  We do have reason, and an inner sense of right and wrong.  We need to start applying those capabilities, we need to take the time and we need to expend the energy to search out truth.  

I apologize for being too lazy, in too big of a hurry to check out those e-mails that fit into my mental framework or my goal set.  I will henceforth confirm.  I will also voice my opinions and beliefs which are arrived at by observation, facts and logic.  I hope you will do the same.  Question, confirm, and be part of the solution.

This election is pitting to radically opposed ideologies and methods of governing the direction of our country.  Regardless of where you come down on the issues you need to re-evaluate your positions.  This is not just about you.  This is about where our next generations of progeny will find themselves, what kind of world they will be living in, will they have opportunity, creativity, freedom and truth in their lives. 

We need to be able to admit when we have been duped.  We need to admit that sometimes what we want has dictated what we believe.  I have watched a fact emerge.  Hope and change has eliminated the hope factor, transparency has turned to the cloak of deceit, unity has turned into divisiveness, world acceptance has turned into derision.  The only truth has been that of fundamental change of the once great United States of America.  “Hope and Change” has in fact been “Smoke and Mirrors”

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