Sunday, July 29, 2012

AR2: CBS Sunday Morning programming

I have been a loyal viewer of the Sunday morning with Charles for over thirty years. I doubt if I have missed more than two or three shows in all of that time. This year I have noticed an effort on the part of this show to push the political agenda of the liberal progressive side of our society through the commentary section of the show. Today was the last straw!!!

To have some ideologue use the force of this once great show as a megaphone is disgraceful to say the least. To promote the false, misleading and divisive blather regarding those with economic success is deceitful.

Why not use your power to address the real causes of inequality. It is not the wealthy that use economic inequality as a means of creating a form of slavery. Our political factions use this as a scapegoat, hiding the fact that the creation of classes through class warfare is a means of vote acquisition. The creation of a societal state of mind and belief, that those of lower income are incapable of overcoming circumstance and that the government is their only source of survival, is the real enslavement method.

The segment of your show today which used an African American to underline the term slavery, at a time when our country needs to reunite and work together, was a reprehensible insult to your audience. I would suggest that instead of denigrating success as a form of enslavement you might give some editorial time to the message of reality.

Reality would show the effect of telling multitudes of people how they have been mistreated and how their miserableness is the result of someone else's actions. Our country was not founded on the principles of acceptance of failure but on the ability of our people to overcome adversity. We were not a country of weakness when we assisted Europe in overcoming Nazi Germany.

Instead of propagating weakness in our society and tearing down our strengths we should be promoting the opportunities available. We should be encouraging the factual and historical endeavors that have made our place in World history something to be admired.

CBS has allowed their microphones to be kidnapped by a national tone that uses the weaponry of political correctness and the guilt for actions of ancestors to discolor the possibilities of today.

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