Monday, January 10, 2011

aResponse2: Assasination attempt on Gabby Gifford and spins

Once again we see violence played out, that was preventable, as a member of Congress presented herself to those she represented.  This is what we have been asking of our federal and state elected officials, open, face to face, responsible discussion.  Ms. Gifford is an example of that openness, and of someone who is honestly trying to do her best, not for political expediency but for her constituents. It goes without saying that our prayers and condolences are and should be for those affected by this sick action.
 I said this was preventable. It could have been, by honest awareness, and responsible action regarding mental illness.  There were so many warning signs and so many instances in which the perpetrator had presented his instability.  Why is it, when so many people were aware of his rants, so many people were fearful of him, that treatment for him was not given?  Why are those in the media (and with axes to grind) playing the blame game?  This is not something to be used as political fodder, self-promotion, and/or ideological recognition.  To raise arms and voices in order to blame someone else, whose beliefs are not congruent with our own cause, is irresponsible and ignorant. 
We do not need to stifle free speech.  We do not need to increase gun control laws.  We do need to take care of those individuals in our society that exhibit mental disconnects.  We are so quick to demand political correctness when it comes to the divisiveness of skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference, but nothing for the larger elephant in society, mental instability.  It is inconceivable that we continue to sweep this issue under the rug when is so evident and in our face.   We see this everyday and it is so common that we are blind to it in our societal lack of honesty.  Medically and professionally we have the means to reco actions gnize and treat mental disability but it’s just not ok to mention it when we encounter it in our everyday activities.  We have all sorts of mandatory treatments ordered when similar actions are caused by drinking alcohol or taking drugs, but nothing when it is caused by chemical imbalance in the body and mind.  The young man that perpetrated this heinous act had at least five different occasions of acting out that should have gotten him long term medical treatment but, until he actually hurt someone, he went on untreated.  We need to wake up.  In most instances our inability to honestly assess what is in front of our eyes, by blaming our opponents, results in sad occurrences such as the one we evidenced this last week-end.
The mentally sick actions of Jarred Lee Loughner have been used by mainstream media pundits, as well as those with political and blog voice, to cast blame on Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, gun laws, free speech, Conservative talk show hosts Beck, Limbaugh, and O’Rilley.  Shame on those of you who are using this situation opportunistically.  You who do so are not serving the public good, but are in fact advancing the same result you are attempting to oppose.
In response2: The claim, that Palin’s use of targeted crosshairs was call for actually inciting the use of weapons against certain politicians is a ludicrous claim as well as hypocritical.  The use of target symbols has been used extensively in marketing both product and politicians for a good many years.  In fact a map similar to that of Palin’s was used in the Democratic campaign of 2004.  I find it interesting that there was no great outcry from the media in regards that use of a bulls-eye target symbol.  Advertising targets their audience as does radio, tv, music and anyone else trying to make in-roads into a specific group or market.  This is not a gun control subject nor is it a call to arms by conservatives.  If you want to get in on the subject of inciting violence we might look to those who are constantly and consistently dividing our people with accusations of racism, fascism, and economic differential.  If someone hears they are being mistreated long enough they can be taught to hate, fear and react against any one.  Were one to look at ideological violence in our country I would suggest that is strongly weighted to the left side of the ledger.
In response2: Placing the blame on “Conservative media outlets” and radio talk show hosts is equally unfounded.  I am an avid listener to most of this programming since 9/11 and in that time I have not heard or seen an instance of any of these outlets promoting the use of any kind of violence in regards to our political or sociological circumstance.  I have also not seen any left or liberal commentator document that type of incident.  The Left side condoning the assassination of President Bush, on film, that is inciting violence.  Watching Glen Beck on “Tivo” consistently for the last two years, I have not witnessed any call to violence.  I have witnessed a call from him for our society to educate ourselves, to be politically aware, to stop using racism and divisiveness, and to pray for our country.  If that’s bad there are a lot of bad people on their knees, and I am thankful we can still do that, at least in the privacy of our own homes.  I have found O’Reilly to be just as he says, fair and balanced.  To that I have many times found myself at odds with his take on things.  How does that happen if he is one sided in his point of view?  I have not listened to Rush Limbaugh to the same extent as I have watched the television outlets, but again I have not heard any instance of him promoting the use of violence.
We do live in an age of violence. The images and propaganda of violence is seen on a daily basis throughout our society, in media, internet, and in our education.  We have no real control over what is being infused into the minds of our young people and most of us do not take the time to help them sift through all the garbage that their minds come in contact with.  It seems that they are in contact with the lies of political correctness as well as the lies of ideological propaganda without the ability or skills of discernment.  I was hit with personal awareness of this problem when my granddaughter remarked, on facebook, that she had just got out of her sociology class which consisted of “fifty minutes of Republican bashing and disrespect toward our military”.  This begs the question, where do our educators get the right to indoctrinate in lieu of educate.  Once again does this show a tendency of the left to shove their way?
I spend a lot of my time responding to those on a left wing internet commentary site, it is very well known and used predominantly by those who view the USA as a problem.  One only needs a few pages on any subject to see the anger, and hatred toward our country, religion and anything conservative.  Political correctness prevails and therefore a call for deep understanding of anyone or anything that opposes our capitalism, military strength, and our society’s religious component.  The predominant attitudes that are evidenced on this site every bit as vitriolic as the most fringe Right Conservative outlet. 
I suggest that those who want to use the sad circumstance of this last week-end as an opportunity to discredit the Conservative side of our society to seriously and honestly look to the truth of their own activities.                  God Bless America and protect our people.

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