Monday, January 10, 2011

Gun Violence and the Lessons of Tucson: Will the Chambers Once Again Be Loaded Against the American People?

We do not need to stifle free speech. We do not need to increase gun control laws. We do need to take care of those individual­s in our society that exhibit mental disconnect­s. We are so quick to demand political correctnes­s when it comes to the divisivene­ss of skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference­, but nothing for the larger elephant in society, mental instabilit­y. It is inconceiva­ble that we continue to sweep this issue under the rug when is so evident and in our face. We see this everyday and it is so common that we are blind to it in our societal lack of honesty. Medically and profession­ally we have the means to reco actions gnize and treat mental disability but it’s just not ok to mention it when we encounter it in our everyday activities­. We have all sorts of mandatory treatments ordered when similar actions are caused by drinking alcohol or taking drugs, but nothing when it is caused by chemical imbalance in the body and mind. The young man that perpetrate­d this heinous act had at least five different occasions of acting out that should have gotten him long term medical treatment but, until he actually hurt someone, he went on untreated. We need to wake up. In most instances our inability to honestly assess what is in front of our eyes, by blaming our opponents, results in sad occurrence­s such as the one we evidenced this last week-end.
About Gabrielle Giffords
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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