Monday, January 3, 2011

To Mr. Obama re: Fundamental Change

by Ron Burres on 04/03/10


Mr. Obama stated that in college he had sought out the most radical Marxist, Socialist professors and students to surround himself with.  In the last days of his bid to gain the presidency, he said he was going to  fundamentally change America.   He has been true to his word and true to his educational roots.
 We all tend to translate the world through our own belief systems regardless of validity.  I have no doubt Mr. Obama is sincere in his beliefs. He believes it is his destiny to correct the America he never really agreed with.  In the past year, Mr. Obama has shown himself to be apologetic to the rest of the world, cool towards our friend Israel and is striving to hold out a friendly hand to those countries that do not have our best interests at heart.
Mr. Obama, and the progressive elitists, keep inferring that the objections to his presidency, and to the direction the current Congress and Senate are forcing on an unwilling populace, are due to Mr. Obama's skin color and we who oppose are a bunch of redneck, bible hugging, prejudiced, screaming illiterates.  It would do the president and his party well to realize that the American public is proud to be Americans, and we are proud of our history. 
 We are a people who have contributed more to the world in terms of advancement, dollars, generosity and freedom than any other civilization since the beginning of time.  Proud is not a bad thing, Mr. President, arrogance is.  The America I grew up in did not fight its wars to gain control of territory or to amass wealth from our enemies. That was put behind us even before the on set of WWI. 
In the aftermath of world disasters, the American public has given more in aid, physically and economically, than most governments.  So what are we apologizing for and to whom? 
Do we really want our country to move toward ideologies and a government that takes from the individual then doles out its harvest to fund those things that will increase the publics reliance upon the government?  Do we want our dollars used to rewrite our national history and to indoctrinate future generations of Americans into believing one cannot survive without government entitlement, and that “One World Government” is the new God?   Mr. President I object to what you are doing, not to who you are.

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