Monday, January 3, 2011

WALK SOFTLY by Ron Burres on 04/09/10

by Ron Burres on 04/09/10


President Obama has apparently stepped away from a few of the policies former presidents and our American heritage have held close in terms of foreign policy.
This week has seen fundamental changes to our way of life and the protection of our nation.  One of the basic things that has preserved our way of life, our government and our country, has been President Roosevelt's doctrine of "Walk softly but  carry a big stick."
Mr. Obama has apparently forgotten the importance of the last portion of that statement, as indicated by the depletion of our arsenal and our ability to act as a deterent to aggresive acts in the world theater.  The fact that other nations were not sure if we would really use the totality of our previous strength, has kept super powers and rogue nations in check for the last 60 years. 
In his actions this week, Mr. Obama has surrendered our position and standing as the number one power in our world.  His actions have created an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty in a world that huddled under the wings of our eagle.  Fearful nations are unpredictable....a dangerous situation in today's world. The president's action will contribute to instability and is a giant error in tactical foreign policy. 
We would all like to see a world in which we all held hands and danced around the maypole. Now is not the time to offer our other cheek to a world that is in turmoil and involved in a war. Fanatical terrorists and countries who are actively seeking ways to harm other nations, are not going to be inhibited in their activities by our increasing show of weakness.  The fact is that criminality fears strength and the sooner we get back to the policies that show strength the better.  Mr. President, we need a stick not a twig!

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